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Who We Are

SoundThinking NYC (STNYC) was launched in 2018 by CAT, CUNY, and the Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment (MOME) to address gender and racial equity in the music industry. STNYC is creating pathways to jobs in the creative sector, focusing on supporting young people as they explore how to turn their passion for music into a possible career.

Applications for the 2025 STNYC Summer Intensive are Open!

The Summer Intensive is open to current 9th-11th grade students who will be entering 10th-12th grade in the fall of 2025.

  • Program Dates: July 7-August 1, 2025
  • Application Deadline: May 25, 2025
  • View the flyer
Apply Now
Sound Thinking NYC, student in studio

What Students Gain

  • Engineering skills focused on music production
  • Leadership and social emotional skills to launch career and life goals
  • Knowledge of various careers and skills in the music industry, including publishing, distribution, digital platforms, artist management, public relations, marketing, finance, and law
  • Access to STNYC’s College Now courses, which enable high school students to enroll in a CUNY music production class for free, earning college credits while mastering their area of interest
  • Experience producing and presenting a culminating project
  • Paid Internship and mentorship opportunities

Become a Sound Thinker

Applications for the program begin in February each year. 

To be placed on our email list to be notified about school year events and when applications open for our 3-week Summer Intensive for NYC high school students, join our mailing list below.

To reach out about becoming an STNYC partner, mentor, or internship placement, contact Program Director Jennifer Gil.

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Sound Thinking NYC, student participant

Our Impact

Participants Since Founding

Surveyed STNYC Alumnae are Enrolled in Music Industry-Related College Majors

High School Students Attended STNYC College Now Courses

Paid Internship & Mentorship Placements

Summer Intensive Graduates

STNYC Student

“Meeting people and making connections with professionals in the music industry was my favorite part of Sound Thinking because I’ve never met anyone professional in the music industry and it was a great experience meeting so many professionals.”

STNYC Student

“I got a better sense of what I really want to do in the music industry when I’m older. I found all their occupations extremely cool and I guess I know now that if I really want to pursue music as a profession, I have to do it out of passion.”

Our Partners

As a program launched by the CUNY Creative Arts Team and the Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment, Sound Thinking NYC is an equity-focused career pathway program for youth that creates opportunities in all aspects of the music industry, recognizing our youth is our greatest resource for building the next generation of music industry leaders. STNYC’s commitment to building pathways toward career success and economic security through public-private partnerships is part of a growing number of initiatives in New York City to support young adults to gain work experiences, add skills, and explore potential career interests to compete in the 21st century job market. Our partners include supporters of the program who have provided volunteer and in-kind donations as well as partners who have provided funding and institutional support.

STNYC logo block 2024
  • Binta Nambi Brown, Partner, Manett Entertainment
  • Shira Gans, Senior Executive Director of Policy + Programs at the NYC Mayor’s Office
  • William Harvey, Musician, Co-founder, NY is Music
  • Carletta Higginson, EVP, Chief Digital Officer for WMG
  • Justin Kalifowitz, Founder & Chairman, Downtown Music Holdings
  • Molly Neuman, Chief Marketing Officer, Downtown Music Holdings
  • Jessica Sobhraj, CEO at Cosynd & Advisor, Women in Music